Swimwear care guide

Our swimsuits are crafted from technical fabrics selected for their high quality (as much as their style), enabling us to offer you shaping, comfortable, and above all, durable swimsuits. However, without proper care, the fibers, especially the elastane, can be damaged, causing the swimsuit to lose its elasticity or shape. Find all our tips here (they're simple, we promise) to pamper your swimsuit.

The 6 Golden Rules

  1. Rinse in Cold Water After Every Use: It's crucial to eliminate chlorine, salt, sand, and sunscreen residues that can damage the fabric over time. Rinse your swimsuit in cold water after each use.
  2. Avoid Twisting, Opt for Gentle Pressing: Instead of wringing it out, gently press or roll your swimsuit in a towel to remove excess water before allowing it to air dry. Twisting can harm the fabric, so be gentle.
  3. No Sunbathing for Your Swimsuit: While air-drying is recommended, direct sunlight can damage the fibers and fade the colors. Avoid hanging your swimsuit in direct sunlight. Similarly, say no to the dryer, as heat can harm the elastane. Steer clear of using a dryer as the heat may damage the fibers.
  4. Handle with Care, Preferably Hand Wash: Wash your swimsuit with care, preferably by hand. Use lukewarm water with a mild detergent instead of machine washing, even on the delicate cycle.
  5. Say No to Plastic Wrapping: Whether it's for a few days or over the winter, avoid storing your swimsuit in a plastic bag or pouch, even when dry. Technical swimsuit fabrics need to breathe, and any remaining moisture could lead to mold.
  6. Beware of Chemicals: While oils and sunscreens protect your skin, they can be harmful to the technical fabrics of swimsuits. Limit the contact of your swimsuit with these products, and remember to rinse it regularly, especially after exposure to pool chlorine.

Why Avoid Machine Washing?

Machine washing can be harsh on delicate fabrics, particularly when using a standard cycle. The abrupt movements and friction against other garments may stretch, deform, or damage your swimsuit fabric.

Furthermore, the heat from the water and machine drying can harm the elasticity and color of swimsuits. Elastic fibers are particularly sensitive to heat, potentially compromising the flattering shaping effect of your swimsuit.

Lastly, there's a risk of snagging on other clothing items (such as buttons, zippers, etc.), which could cause tears or stretching of the fabric.

To ensure a long and beautiful life for your Albertine swimsuit, we recommend hand washing it. Use cold or lukewarm water with a mild soap (such as Marseille soap). During washing, avoid wringing your swimsuit to prevent deformation.

If the care label permits, you can machine wash it, but be sure to follow specific conditions: set the temperature to a maximum of 30°C and use a gentle spin cycle. However, machine washes should be done sparingly to preserve fabric elasticity. It's not necessary to wash your swimsuit after every use; rinsing it in cold water is sufficient, and it's more convenient during vacations!

Please note that dry cleaning is strictly prohibited!

Choosing the Right Detergent

When washing a swimsuit, choose a gentle detergent, preferably designed for delicate fabrics. Consider the following criteria when selecting a washing product:

  • Formulated for Delicate Fabrics: These products are generally less harsh and do not contain chemicals that could damage the fabric or fade the swimsuit.
  • Neutral pH: Neutral pH detergents are gentle and less likely to cause skin irritation or fabric damage.
  • Concentrated and Effective at Cold Temperatures: Since swimsuits should be washed in cold water, choose a detergent that is effective at low temperatures.

Avoid detergents containing bleaching agents or softening additives, as they can alter the color and elasticity of the swimsuit fibers.

Remember, the key to preserving the lifespan of a swimsuit is to wash it gently and rinse it immediately after use to remove chlorine, salt, sand, and sunscreen residues. Always use cold water and avoid excessive rubbing of the fabric.

There you have it! Your swimsuit will thank you.